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https://www.ordinidinasticicasasavoia.it/en/a-memorable-general-chapter-of-the-dynastic-orders-of-the-royal-house-of-savoy-in-rome/ On October 5 and 6, 2024, Rome hosted the General Chapter of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Sa... -
https://www.ordinidinasticicasasavoia.it/en/christmas-mass-at-monza-cathedral/ On Saturday 16 December, the Lombardy Delegation gathered at Monza Cathedral for a eucharistic celebration in preparation for Christmas. In addition to the De... -
https://www.ordinidinasticicasasavoia.it/en/gala-evening-of-the-french-delegation/ On Friday 15 December 2023, the prestigious Cercle de l’Union Interalliée hosted the Gala Evening of the French Delegation of the Dynastic Orders of the R... -
https://www.ordinidinasticicasasavoia.it/en/the-26th-ballo-di-savoia-royal-savoy-ball-in-new-york/ The 26th Ballo di Savoia (Royal Savoy Ball), the annual winter charity gala hosted by the American Foundation of Savoy Orders, was celebra...