

On Saturday 16 December, the Lombardy Delegation gathered at Monza Cathedral for a eucharistic celebration in preparation for Christmas.

In addition to the Delegate, the Prior and the Deputy of Monza, numerous members were present, including Cav. Gr. Cr. Nob. Giancarlo Melzi d’Eril, member of the Grand Magistral Council, and Gr. Uff. Dott. Federico Pizzi, member of the Committee. Also present at the service was the Delegation for Milan, Monza and Lodi of the National Institute for the Guard of Honour at the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon, led by the Delegate General Cosimato, and the Historical Uniforms Unit of the National Carabinieri Association carrying the Historical Flag dedicated to H.R.H. Princess Victoria of Savoy.

After the Mass, the members were invited to pray in the Chapel of Theodolinda, where the Iron Crown, an important relic of Christianity and a living testimony of the Kingdom of Italy, was unveiled.

At the end of the prayer, the participants took part in a private tour of the Cathedral’s Treasure Museum, which houses important artefacts, mainly religious, from the Longobard period to modern times. The day ended with a convivial lunch to exchange Christmas wishes, the proceeds of which will be used to support one of the delegation’s many charitable initiatives.

The day ended with a convivial lunch to exchange Christmas wishes, the proceeds of which will be used to support one of the delegation’s many charitable initiatives.
