

On 25 November 2023, the Naples Delegation of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Savoy gathered in the Papal and Pontifical Basilica of San Francesco di Paola for a Mass in memory of H.M. Queen Elena and H.R.H. Princess Mafalda of Savoy and Hesse. H.R.H Helen of Hesse was present at the Service and was welcomed by a piquet of the Guards of Honour at the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon.

During the ceremony, the Delegate, Gr. Uff. Don Gerardo Mariano Rocco of the Princes of Torrepadula, together with the Deputy for the Province of Salerno, Uff. Avv. Salvatore Guzzi, handed out the diplomas and honours to the members who were unable to attend the General Chapter last October.

Later, at the Circolo Nazionale dell’Unione, located inside the Royal Palace of Naples, Prof. Vittoria Fiorelli presented the book “Mafalda di Savoia – L’amaro destino di una principessa nell’inferno di Buchenwald” [Mafalda di Savoia – The bitter destiny of a princess in the hell of Buchenwald], written by Uff. Prof. Roberto Allegro and Dame Prof. Vittoria Aicardi, both of whom were present. The event was opened by the Delegate of the Dynastic Orders of the Royal House of Savoy for Campania, a member of the Circolo and the promoter of the event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the deportation to Germany of the Princess, daughter of the King of Italy.

Princess Elena of Hesse was honoured during the event with a commemorative plaque from the Mayor of Naples, which was handed over by the Councillor for Legality, Dr. Antonio De Jesu.

More than eighty people listened with deference and affection to the heartfelt message sent by the Head of the House of Savoy and our General Grand Master, H.R.H. Prince Vittorio Emanuele.
